Class details

Mixed Age (4mth - 5yrs)

Friday 10:00am - 10:45am

Spaces Available 🎉
Venue details

Happy Days Play Centre,
Unit 22, Headway Business Centre,
Denby Dale Road,
Wakefield ,
WF2 7AZ   view map

Venue Notes
The soft play is within the industrial center.

Each week the activities are planned around 1 theme with no less than 7 play areas (2 wet messy stations, 2 dry messy stations, 1 paint station, 1 homemade playdough station, 1 craft station). The materials and change weekly and offer the opportunity for your child to independently explore a wide range of materials over a term.

The class is child-led and child focused with a relaxed atmosphere. They are free to make as much or as little mess as they wish! Some children may end up covered head to toe, whereas others may not look as messy.

For those who need it, a large tub of warm soapy water and cloths are provided at the end to wash down.

Most of the products used in class are taste safe which means they are safe to be consumed in small amounts (children tend to explore with their senses including their mouth). They are not however meant to be consumed as you would as a meal. Please make sure you supervise your children at all times.

The main consumables we use are: uncooked rice, cooked and uncooked pasta, cornflour, agar agar, food grade colourings and flavourings, salt, flour, (TTS / Baker Ross) Ready Mixed Paint, (Zimpli Kids) Gelli Baff, play sand, porridge oats, egg and dairy free breakfast cereal, vegetable oil, water, amongst others.

If you have any questions on this please pm me on social media or email me on

Some products used in class will contain dairy, egg or gluten. I understand how hard it can be to join in group classes if you have dietary requirements or allergies. I will always aim to accommodate any requirements but in order to do so please email me as soon as possible, ideally before booking.

Please note that if you or your child have a severe allergy, I may not be able to guarantee that there isn’t cross contamination as I use many different suppliers each with complex supply chains.


£28.00 per month

This class is covered by a regular payment every month.


Friday 10:00am - 10:45am

8 sessions Fri 21 Jun 24 Fri 28 Jun 24 Fri 05 Jul 24 Fri 12 Jul 24 Fri 26 Jul 24 Fri 02 Aug 24 Fri 09 Aug 24 Fri 16 Aug 24

If your child hasn't been before and you would like to take them along to try the class we offer a trial - it costs £7.00 for .

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